Explore how PebblePad supported the University of Sheffield’s strategic commitment to enhance the student experience through inclusive, personalised spaces that bridge the gap between the physical and the virtual.
In this case study featured at PebbleBash 2024, the School of Education’s Hadrian Cawthorne and Cat Bazela detail how they utilised PebblePad to deliver a rich digital teaching and learning environment within academic programmes and vocational settings. This approach enabled the school to:
- Offer a powerful multimedia authoring tool able to integrate with the existing assessment management workflow within several academic programmes.
- Replace the existing portfolio process used in vocational settings, which was antiquated, overly complex and the antithesis of good student experiences.
- Grant mentors access to their students’ portfolios as assessors, giving them a continuous focal point to monitor, feedback and assess student progress.
- Create a solution that is more equitable, enabling less digitally adept students to benefit from a virtual experience as much as their more digitally literate peers.
Importantly, by introducing PebblePad, it offered the teaching team an invaluable opportunity to review their entire assessment process and make significant changes and enhancements that have benefited both staff and students.
To discover how PebblePad can deliver a rich digital teaching and learning environment within academic programmes and vocational settings, download the exclusive use case now.