Published Paper Title
The Next Era of Assessment: Building a Trustworthy Assessment System
Holly A. Caretta-Weyer, Alina Smirnova, Michael A. Barone, Jason R. Frank,Tine Hernandez-Boussard, Dana Levinson, Kiki M. J. M. H. Lombards, Kimberly D. Lomis, Abigail Martini, Daniel J. Schumacher, David A. Turner, and Abigail Schuh.
Perspectives on Medical Education – Journal of the Netherlands Association of Medical Education. Published 22 January 2024.
Assessment in medical education has evolved through a sequence of eras each centering on distinct views and values. These eras include measurement (e.g., knowledge exams, objective structured clinical examinations), then judgments (e.g., workplace-based assessments, entrustable professional activities), and most recently systems or programmatic assessment, where over time multiple types and sources of data are collected and combined by competency committees to ensure individual learners are ready to progress to the next stage in their training. Significantly less attention has been paid to the social context of assessment, which has led to an overall erosion of trust in assessment by a variety of stakeholders including learners and frontline assessors.