
Sheffield Hallam University – Enhancing mentoring skills, knowledge and practice

Category: Research
Friday 19th October 2018
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by: PebblePad

Published Paper Title:

Building bridges – enhancing mentoring skills, knowledge and practice through an online course.  


Pountney, R. & Grasmeder, A. (2018)  


CollectivEd, 3, 50–56 Click here to view the research paper (PDF)


This research paper is particularly relevant and beneficial for staff development professionals within universities who aim to enhance the skill sets of teachers. It looks at: 

Addressing National Standards: The research outlines the development of an open online course for teachers, with a specific focus on addressing the UK National Mentor Standards (2016). 

Design for Learning: The paper explores how the professional needs of school-based mentors were met in the course’s design for learning. It emphasizes the importance of tailoring professional development to meet the specific needs of teachers. 

Efficacy of the Curriculum: The research evaluates the efficacy of the curriculum and associated pedagogy of the course by drawing on feedback from teachers who completed the course.  

Impact on Teachers’ Practice: The paper discusses the impact of the course on teachers’ confidence and mentoring practice.  

Identifying Gaps and Opportunities: The research reveals that participants’ understanding of their mentoring role lacks a clearly defined model, indicating areas where further training and support may be required. 

Instrumental Theory Building: The research suggests that the study can serve as a form of theory building to better understand how mentors perceive and develop their practice.  

In summary, this research paper provides valuable insights for staff development professionals in universities seeking to improve the skill sets of teachers. It offers guidance on aligning professional development with national standards, designing effective learning experiences, evaluating curriculum efficacy, and understanding the impact of training on teachers’ practice. It also points out areas where further development and research are needed, aiding in the continuous improvement of teacher training programs. 

Click here to view the research paper (PDF)

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