Webinar: Professional Identity & Capability

Professional portfolios: Revolutionising nursing education

An expert webinar on Portfolio Thinking in Nursing Education

Webinar Details

In nursing education, the need for substantial workplace-based assessment during clinical placements can provide very real challenges. More and more, nursing educators are turning to the online space to support teaching, learning and authentic assessment. In particular, the recording of student experiences and achievements, and the evidencing of registration standards, are increasingly being supported with eportfolios. Such an approach can also incorporate opportunities and space for reflection, clinical case studies and connecting theory-to-practice.

Incorporating authentic examples of practice and facilitated discussion, our expert webinar draws on the experiences of nursing educators in our PebblePad community to show their solutions to common challenges encountered in supporting learners on their journey to becoming nurses.


Portfolios as a means of proving competence are not new to this discipline but this webinar includes a diverse mix of ideas from four institutions on how this journey can be captured and showcased.

  • Electronic clinical placement workbooks for large cohorts, including mobile enabled hours tracking, comprehensive clinical sign off and LMS integration.
  • Formative feedback and reflection via Video blogs
  • Bedside simulation techniques to scaffold learning.
  • Microcredentials within portfolios.
  • Facilitating external assessment with student-selected assessors.
  • A creative and responsive approach to COVID-19 when no clinical placements are available in aged care facilities.

The webinar will also facilitate discussion about some of the issues, challenges and benefits of engaging with eportfolios in Nursing.

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Dr. Olivia Gallagher

Associate Dean (Clinical) in the School of Nursing & Midwifery
Edith Cowan University

Dr. Catina Adams

Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator, School of Nursing and Midwifery
La Trobe University

Helen Dugmore

Senior Lecturer
Murdoch University

Dr. Martin Hopkins

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Murdoch University

Caroline Nilson

Associate Professor - Nursing
Murdoch University


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