
Support structures for managing clinical placement

Sheridan Gardiner-Klose, University of South Australia

Sheridan Gardiner- Klose from University of South Australia on ‘ Support structures for managing clinical placement’. This recording is from our 2022 Melbourne, Australia MiniBash community event. Videos are for educational personnel only and require a live educational email to watch. You can read the video transcript below.


Thank you for the opportunity talk to you today. I’m the PebblePad coordinator at the University of South Australia, and I’ve been asked to speak about my role at uniSA. And the support structures for managing clinical placements.

Just a little bit about me though. I love trail running, NFL Seattle Seahawks coffee, and house rabbits.

I studied graphic design, working in marketing in the book industry, from there, small training sorry, registered training organisation in Makeup artistry.

And then an interesting time as a project manager in a building company.

Really straight. Anyway, and of course now, you near SA. So I started in March twenty twenty.

It was the first year that this it was going out to all the students in nursing and midwifery.

And basically, it was a new position with a platform that students and staff hadn’t used before.

So you added COVID and then lockdowns.

Into the mix, it was a huge steep learning curve for all of us.

So I managed twenty nine work spaces across nursing and midwifery with a total of three thousand seven hundred students.

Today, I’m going to talk about nursing because that’s our biggest cohort.

ELAs are our clinical placement courses. We have five, but only four have clinical placements.

ELA two and ELA three are a four week placement, and ELA five four and five are eight week placements.

So these placements are spread all over South Australia, so they are regional venues, as well as city metropolitan net ones. So what do I do?

I create workspaces and workbooks.

Surprise to each ELA, I create the pebble pad and Atlas login, buttons as well as information pages for our students on the course site. We use Moodle.

During this time, I also lead with the course coordinator and and we review any changes from last year or workbook, and then I create them.

I also collaborate with other academic staff to create other workbooks for our theory courses too. That’s mainly for midwifery I found, but hopefully nursing will come on board too.

So in our ELA workbooks, students complete the following. They have preclinical tutorials and we’ve embedded videos with questions that they need to ask, their learning plan, attendance record, there’s feedback and achievements section, as well as two self assessments, so one is done in the middle of the placement and the other at the end.

Our facilitators complete weekly feedback and the formative and summative assessment.


So the Atlas workspace.

So I update with any additional you UniSA staff, as well as clinical facilitators, so they’re your externals.

I allocate roles, and adding resources, workbooks, there’s also the user guides and any other thing like that.

And then it comes to creating sets.

I love sets.

So the nursing cohort is large, and therefore I started creating sets.

So by using these facilitators only have access to the students that are allocated to them.

So, basically, it’s time consuming, but it’s worth it in the end. It it ensures security in the system, as well as the data privacy for the students. So here we go, we’ve got just a little explanation, and how it is.

Our favorite slide.

So SITS also help me with student management. So when students email me with a question, they sometimes don’t give me all the information you know, I manage twenty nine workspaces. They don’t tell me they are. Anyway, so I go into I can use sets, to see their venue and their facilitator at a quick glance. So perfect.

So during clinical placement, I worked closely with the course coordinators, academic liaisons. I answer all people paid inquiries, so they just forward me the emails, basically, and I answer them.

And of course, there’s any updates to those sets because they do happen.

Okay. PebblePad training.

Where do I start? I provide all training for staff and venues.

I also conduct an intro to PebblePad the new UniSA staff.

This year, we’ve only started doing That’s okay. Com share them.

At the beginning of age ELA for nursing. We do a workshop for facilitators.

In that time, the course coordinator talks about the overall course. I come in with how to work the workbook, and we usually have a guest speaker. For example, ELA two is aged care, so we have, I guess, speaker in the aged care sector.

Okay. What else? Okay. Yep. So when I also create a PebblePad account for facilitator, I’ll send them a work a welcome email with the user guides, and there’s also then contact details if they need me.

For students.

So it goes a weekly drop in session by Zoom.

And then there’s one on one assistance if needed.

Procedures, and yes.

So, as I said, this was a new position when I started, so there was limited guides.

Now course coordinators know I’ll contact them in the lead up before the course site goes live to discuss the workbook.

I’ve created user guides for staff, facilitators, and students.

These guides cover the basics from logging in to how to complete an assessment.

I’ve also created step by step visual guides. When I receive a few emails asking the same question.

These have come in really handy, and they just quick for replying to students and to facilitators.

So as the administrator, I manage student staff and venue accounts.

It’s a scary one. I also delete student accounts when they graduate. And, yeah, along the account, them very handy, because if they don’t, I end up creating PDFs of their all their workbooks.

Anyway, I will say archive workspaces when finished, and I’m currently creating a handover procedure for when I’m on leave, because in four weeks time, I’m off for three weeks to Seattle. Yes. I’ll be going to a game.

So, yeah, so that will be interesting time. The academics are a little bit scared, but I’ve been on my way.

Here, here we go. So I’ve been in this role for two and a half years now. I enjoy hearing that I have made a difference in helping students out on clinical placement.

And I giggle when staff and now venues call me the PebblePad guru.

My aim is to make clinical placement run smoothly for students, your near say staff, and venue facilitators.

And I hope at the end they love pebblepad as much as I do. Thank you for listening. Any questions? Happy to talk



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