
Student-Led, Individually- Created Courses (SLICCs)

Professor Simon Riley, The University of Edinburgh

Professor Simon Riley, Personal Chair of Experiential Student Learning, Director of Teaching for Deanery of Clinical Sciences and Academic Lead for SLICCs (Student -Led, Individually-Created Courses) from The University of Edinburgh was a speaker at PebbleBash 2024 and presented ‘SLICCs: A reflection-based experiential learning and assessment framework using an eportfolio scalable to support institutional Curriculum Transformation.’ Click here to watch the video with the full transcript or if you’re having trouble viewing the video above.



It’s all in the title actually, a reflection based experiential learning and assessment framework using an e portfolio book. E portfolio, scalable support, institutional curriculum transformation. It’s all there.

So I’m hoping I’m gonna be able to no. I’ve I’ve got 20 minutes. I’m a little bit embarrassed with this as well because, you know, some of you, you know, I’ve already done a workshop on this. So I’m gonna flip through a couple of the slides, and just think about some of the complexities that we’ve got in the rationale for why we why we’ve taken this approach and why it’s been important to us, and get on to the I think I think probably colleagues are a little bit more interested in how we’re applying this this generic framework.

So just a couple of things to point out, and I’ve pressed the first couple of first couple of sections, but just to say that our institutions all have graduate attributes. And we’ve heard about graduate attributes throughout this meeting, and we’re also in this position where we’re trying to sort of get our students to see them and to and to take them on board. Well, our learning outcomes in SLICC are our graduate attributes, and I think that’s been a really, really powerful tool by which we can implement because there’s a lot of fluff around in graduate attributes. It’s all, yeah, our students have been able to do this, that, and the other. But but actually, there’s a tendency for some of those professional transferable skills to be really to be taken on in a sort of hidden curriculum. They’re assumed that people are getting the biosmosis.

So with the graduate attributes hardwired into SLICC, into the learning outcomes that the students themselves take ownership of, then it means that the graduate attributes are being really surfaced in the student’s mind, you know, and also the powers that be.

I think the other element of the, of SLICCs that it’s really surfaced, we were really clear that we wanted to surface the curricula, the co curricular, and the extracurricular.

And our students aren’t going through a very complicated journey within the within the institution.

We’re giving them curricular material, but they’re also doing a wide range of co curricular things within the university, whether that’s volunteering, whether that’s peer, whether that’s sports and societies.




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