
From universal to universally equitable

Teresa Johnson, Ohio State University

Dr Teresa Johnson, High-Impact Curriculum Expert Office of Academic Enrichment from The Ohio State University was a speaker at PebbleBash 2024 and presented ‘From universal to universally equitable: An integrated eportfolio requirement at a large land grant university as a first step toward an equitable HIP for all students.’ Click here to watch the video with the full transcript or if you’re having trouble viewing the video above.



I am Teresa Johnson from the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

For those of you here in the UK, I’m sure you all know where New York is. And then we have Pennsylvania, and then it’s Ohio. So we’re just a couple of states in from the east coast and tucked right underneath the Great Lakes, so that’s where we are.

The first thing I need to tell you is that this is not actually what we’re going to talk about.

I would love to bring this to you in a couple of years. This data is not ready for prime time. So what we are gonna be talking about is a broader picture of Ohio State’s learning journey about implementing learning journeys for our students.

And I have sort of a secret motivation for wanting to talk to you all about this because I’m gonna ask, for your help at the end, and I’m really interested in getting your feedback on, where we go next with this and if we are on the right track. We are only two years into this whole journey, and my team and I are are all of our e portfolio people across campus have learned a ton in that time, but we still have a lot to learn.

So let me tell you where we’ve been. So here’s our timeline.

What I actually should have put on here too is that there have been parts of OSU that have been using ePortfolios for a long time, for at least the last ten years or so. So for the folks in honors and scholars, of which I am one, we have been using e portfolios. I wasn’t with them that whole time, but we’ve been using them for a long time.

But the important part of this story really begins in 2016 when we decided that we really needed to revamp our thirty-year-old GE Gen Ed program.

And so, this is sort of where we’ve been. We ended up in that review process with an eportfolio proposition, and this has been then the process of designing that and implementing that.

And then we’re going to focus on down here this coming August with the honor standards launch and I’m going to explain that to you here in a bit.




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