
Education is an experience that should be designed

Professor Jeff Grabill, Universit of Leeds

Professor Jeff Grabill, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education from University of Leeds was a keynote speaker at PebbleBash 2024 and presented ‘Education is an Experience That Should Be Designed.’ Click here to watch the video with the full transcript or if you’re having trouble viewing the video above.


It’s a pleasure to be here. It’s important. I you know, I did I did take two days just to to come to the conference and spend some time just listening to people, and part of that is the use of you you’ve met my colleagues from the University of Leeds. They’ve been spectacular. Thank you. You’ve been wonderful.

I wanted to come here and listen to them talk about their work around assessment, using PebblePad, But because it’s an important part, I think, of the ecosystem that we use for assessment going forward, I’ll talk a little bit about that. I thought it was really important to sit and listen to you talk about how you use, PebblePad as an assessment platform. So I wanna thank each and every one of you for what you’ve brought to the meeting, and for letting me sit in a room and listen to you for two days. It’s genuinely been, a really exceptional use of my time.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the University of Leeds, that’s the only purpose of this slide. So, I’m gonna talk with you a little bit about the fact that educational experiences must be designed, and and we’re gonna talk a little bit about education, we’re gonna talk about design, we’re gonna talk about experience. I’m gonna cover a lot of ground really quickly, at no depth whatsoever. So feel free to ask me really good questions, when I do eventually stop talking.

So, here we go.




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