
CEO Insights from Brisbane MiniBash 2022

Shane Sutherland, PebblePad CEO and Founder

Shane Sutherland, Founder, CEO and Chief Mischief Maker at PebblePad welcome message. This recording is from our 2022 Brisbane, Australia MiniBash community event. Videos are for educational personnel only and require a live educational email to watch. You can read the video transcript below.


Hi everybody, again.

I mean, the first thing to say is, like, I’m gonna say this now, particularly including, like, Carole. Thank you all for coming.

Thanks for the speakers. I mean, I’m I’m a bit nervous following on from what has just been absolutely stellar. Lineup. The work that’s got that’s been shared today is absolutely wonderful.

And of course, all following on from Sally this morning as well, who was just, you know, We didn’t give her justice. Did we like a, me interviewing her and b only having half an hour? There’s so much depth to sort of plumb there.

Carol, thank you so much for organising this. I know that you’ve had the team behind you as well, but you’ve done so much hard work. It’s really appreciated.

And I was wondering, Lori, you come down from Tainesville. Is anyone coming any further than Lori?

Well well done. You win Well, apart from me, obviously.

But you win the prize. I was at we’d had one of these over in Perth, ECU.

And someone was there from Utah. I was very impressed until I found out she now worked remotely. He was like, other really? Yeah. Who’s here for me?

Incredible everywhere.

Alright. But it’s amazing, isn’t it how that, you know, the last two years of kinda shaped everything or changed everything, and folks from you to how they work in all over the country.

And why wouldn’t you wanna work? Although, why wouldn’t he work in Tasmania because it’s beautiful as well. For every part of Australia visit.

So my The first thing I wanna do is is really just reflect a little bit on some of the things we’ve seen.

And then I’ve got a presentation which shares a few ideas.

And in my presentation, it’s I I include some examples of what I think are really good bits of work.

And I realsed I can throw them all away. Because honestly, every single thing I’ve seen today could just be incorporated into my presentation.

So Oh.

The Diana Yeah. The My Life was a musician. That’s stuff was just fantastic, wasn’t it? It just also refreshing to see a sort of subject area that’s not often, you know, we see lot and this is not knocking it. Some wonderful, very clever stuff going on in nursing, with midwifery, other allied health professions.

But is there are some subjects we don’t see a lot of it’s wonderful to see Donna’s work there.

I loved them. You’ll see an example of this when I do my slides later.

The lows are the learnings.

It’s absolutely right, isn’t it? You know, to take the And I think that’s one of the things that’s really important for me.

Is it’s okay giving people lots of experiences, and that means within the curricular rich learning opportunities, a variety of assessment opportunities, group projects into disciplinary learning. But if we don’t give folks the chance to pause, and make sense of it that kind of we don’t rinse the best value from those experiences.

And so I think thinking about those lows as learning opportunities is really really important. Along with all the other opportunities as well.

She taught also about the development of resilience.

My goodness. In fact, I was chatting to Chris McCluskey from She’s now at Deakin, and she said, we we really need to find a way.

Of giving some kind of credit to all of those students who learn, in fact, staff as well, but we talk about students. Who learned to learn through the pandemic.

Because the skills that they had to develop and the strategies to get by and we kind of almost took it for granted.

I’m not sure we did, but there really ought to be some form of accrediting that because powerful powerful stuff.

What else do we have going on? Yeah. That you choose these little phrases about the elevator pitch with ethics.

Was what she was getting her, you know, in terms of that. We see those philosophy statements quite a lot in learning in teachers portfolios, but in that musical musical musicians portfolio.

That’d be a good idea. A musical musicians portfolio. Let me something to see. And I think what we I got the sense of as well was the the pleasure, because there’s always that question about assessment.

And assessment’s hard work. But like the pleasure of assessing that stuff, because it was all kinda unique and it is idiosyncratic and a lot of personality in the stuff she was marking. I I remember years ago when we first started, someone from the performing arts, performing arts, said something really similar. How much actually energy she got from marking portfolios. Whereas when she marked normal scripts, it was kind of like the opposite.

A bit like the dementors in Harry Potter kind of sucking the life and the soul way of you.

And then we went on to Now, I got the wrong name. It wasn’t I’ve got Heidi, but I think that was because I saw it really. Yeah. It’s on the slide. What was the recording we saw this? Sarah. Sarah, on that raw medicine example.

And I like that bit because it obviously ties into the things we talk about. Personal learning journey as preparation for a life, you know, a journey into raw medicine. And that idea of the student said shared about being become a doctor was a form of activism.

Love that.

The use of very simple templates and I think that’s become a that was mentioned a bit later on. And simplifying the interactions with patients down to And they weren’t real patients. I think this was the case study she talked about.

What and where, how and when? Now when you read the descriptions below, they’re a bit more in-depth than that. But but because I think one of our jobs as educators.

And in fact, it’s something that is built into Pelpads is to inculcating our learners as sort of framework, a a vast framework of so they can level all their experiences.

And the simplicity of that Simplicity, I need to read it again. What on there, how and when is always gonna be sticking in their minds, isn’t it? So every time they have an encounter, they’ve got this little bit like, you know, SWAT and and all of those other little acronyms that we have to frame the way we approach stuff. And so I love that.

I I really liked the way the students were taking or were given agency to demand the kind of feedback they wanted. For demand may be too strong a word, but to indicate the feedback.

They wanted very And you Sally talked about David Baird earlier. Something David strongly advocates.

And it’s something, of course, it’s it’s again back to Sally. Surely, that’s a lifelong lifelong learning skill, understanding what you already know about yourself and recognizing where you need to Elicit, solicit, ask for, of safe ground, and ask for. Ask for the kind of feedback that you want that matches the goals you’ve set yourself.

So that was splendid.

Then we moved on to Gayle.

Just the scope of the stuff you’re doing is just incredible.

What about to take you everywhere, please?

And that’s not to that that’s not to diminish anything else we we saw, but I think it’s such a lovely approach. And and everything he kept on having these other variations on it, which is superb. So you can take a great model and you can replicate it and replicate it.

I liked the embedded feedback because you said it made it possible to do the feedback quickly and I’ve had a conversation with someone right start the day about how little time they get for feedback now. But what’s the point of setting student tasks if you’re not gonna validate it?

By or value it, if not validate value it by giving some kind of feedback. So love the way you were doing that.

I think you use the term feedback as affirmation.

Yeah. Hang on.

And then yeah, just all wonderful stuff. And of course, echoes of that, of course, with what we saw right at the end as well with the business plus stuff.

Matt, Julie, thank you for coming from Navy now. I have no idea where that is.

Oh, okay. So it’s in New South Wales. Okay. Thank you for coming up to this foreign land.

Of Queensland.

I love that bit. It was shocked at how well it went.

And Yeah. I might get some t shirts printed. Let’s say that.

There was a When we had a MiniBash this year in Birmingham, there was someone there from Leeds. In fact, it’s a recorded presentation. So, obviously, these are recorded so we can share the learnings a bit wider. And someone there said that when she first saw PebblePad, she was irrationally irrationally enthused.

And I thought that, yeah, that that would be a good motif, wouldn’t it on a t shirt, pebble pad irrationly enthused.

I like that.

I think what I took what I really liked about what you talked about was the depth of reflection. As well. And it’s something actually we learned right at the beginning when we built PebblePad.

And in fact, it was my, in a way, I probably Going over some white slides in a moment.

I taught a very big module. So it was called learning for success. It was to help students often first in family, no real experience in what the higher education thing look like, and we help them survive.

And we’d say, or you know, go and reflect. Go and reflect on this and go, it’s such a big demanding activity, isn’t it reflection? And I think just breaking it down into a few simple questions, which start to unpick that experience. We also found by the way, some early research how how empowering that was for dyslexic students who couldn’t kinda and I I’ve been chatting to some folks. It’s a it’s a issue with dysprax six students as well where they can’t hold multiple steps in their brains and just breaking it down. And it’s almost and I talk about this quite often now, I think PebblePad is just a tool. Now, I used to say it’s inert.

It’s not. I think it has a reflective prompting scaffolding framework, but it takes brilliant educators and these learning designers to ask the right kinds of questions in the right kind of sequence. But I do think what the tool allows is almost are sort of scaling up of the one to one processes, which are difficult to achieve now in higher education. So using the tools a proxy for you saying, well, tell me about that thing, you know, how well did that go? And and how could it have gone better?

Other things about your skill set, your understanding, that would have helped that go even better.

And if there are things that that would have made it go better. What can you do about improving those particular skills? So the next time we have And that’s all what you would do in a coaching, mentoring, tutoring, advising capacity, but it’s hard to do when you’ve got five hundred students you’re responsible for. So I think PebblePad gives you that opportunity, but also does it in a way which is very student centered. So they’ve got that and they can build on it. And that’s the thing I think we heard a lot about today, the returning to the iterative nature of some of the designs that you’re putting together.

And thank you also for mentioning PebblePocket, because obviously for some folks here, it’s, you know, I think they don’t use, which is surprise it’s surprising in a way. Because one of the things we often all of these we understand about reflection is it’s most powerful when it’s done as close to the experience as possible.

Because afterwards, you start to rethink it slightly differently than how it actually happened.

And there’s that kind of Well, that’s particularly evident, I think, is when you ask students to make sense of their learning at the end of a unit course or module you all. And they say, and someone said this, I can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone what I did in week one.

There’s this concept of diacronicity, which is if you ask me now who I was fifteen weeks ago, I can only tell you from who I am now. And so there’s a real value in recording things over time.

And I’ve seen some really great examples that students have reported of where they thought the learning that they had done looked like And then they look back across all of their reflections, and they realised a whole different kind of thing emerged from their personal professional development.

Sarah and Angela flipped classroom stuff. I know he wasn’t just flipped classroom stuff. Thank you very much. Absolutely wonderful.

I think as well that bit you talked about that we then heard a little later from Lori was about that transition.

From the university to the workplace.

And I genuinely don’t see that very often. And yet, I saw it twice in back to back presentations. Because I think so often, students just We accept that placement is a great thing or the opportunity put learning into practice is a great thing. But students just end up in those experiences.

And they’re almost What what do I do now? And so the fact you’re doing purpose or work in advance to help prepare them for that. That means that they get more from the experience in the end. So it was great to see that.

And the multiple works I mean, it’s so simple. In a way, the multiple workbooks on a single workspace, so the course team can see what’s going on and make sure, I think you’d said, that the same behaviors aren’t being repeated, identify students at risk, create kind of cross course team collaboration.

And I think that’s been one of the problems in modularization, hasn’t it? Everything’s become sort of siloed a bit. And it’s hard to have those kind of spiral iterative curriculum with a team taking responsibility for student development.

Blah blah blah blah fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.

It could go on forever.

Laurie, Ten years.

Ten years. Wow.

Again, that preparation of placements of when I think the other part, that was was students setting their own goals as well for that place. And what does success look? Because it’s so easy for us to say, as a result of this, this will happen. But as soon as they set their own goals, what does success look like for them, it’s very powerful. I think this the other note I made here was about It is more of a question than a statement. It’s something about the the power of transparency and visibility. The fact that the students could see what was expected and what they wanted to do that was visible to the university team and also to the placement of them supervisors on placements.

Because a lot of stuff can get hidden, can’t it? And just that visibility so that was really, really important.

And we see that actually in the UK around things like abuse of PebblePad for PhD supervision, dissertation supervision, and personal tutoring. So that it’s and also there’s something about scaffolding, because we talk about scaffolding for the students all the time, but scaffolding also for the people who are supervising supporting or in indeed assessing student work.

And, Matt, again, the numbers four fourteen hundred students opting in.

That’s proper impressive, isn’t it? When you think about all the other things that are kinda competing for their time and attention and energy, frankly.

And and great to see some student feedback built in as well. Coft with, you know, it’s great to have students here, but in lieu of that, hearing that feedback from them. And there was that that thing about Well, Pelpad’s You didn’t say it like this, but Pell has mainly used for reflection.

Exactly what it’s built for.

There’s because I think even in the evidence gathering bit, power pad is built, so you don’t just gather evidence like into an archive. You say, this is why that’s good evidence. This is why I’ve chosen it. This demonstrates you know, x, y, or z. And they’re reflective, but in fact, I’ve gone to the slides because then I start overlapping significantly with what I was I’m gonna talk about.

I hope I’ve done everyone justice there, by the way.

But it’s brilliant. Honestly, I could And the problem is, I’m sat there watching and trying to process and take notes. And I’m in I’m been told I’ve got a tweet every now and again. And it’s I’m the boss. I should have a PA doing these things, so shouldn’t I? So I can just concentrate on all the things you’re saying.

Maybe it’s that button. Nope?

I’m doing the middle button.

I know what middle means.

Maybe it’s a bit focus.

Okay. So, I mean, this is tricky because so many experts in the room. So some of this might be quickly, but this was to try and sort of share I mean, we’ve been on a journey for eight over eighteen years and if this is me speaking eighteen years ago, even ten years ago, maybe even five years ago, some of the things I’d say about PebblePad might be slightly different.

But I’ve only got seventeen minutes now before the drinks are served. So I might do some of this more quickly than otherwise I might have done.

That’s our vision. To change the way learning teaching assessment oh, sorry. Learning is designed experience of assessed.

And I think I I used to be once upon a long time ago, principal lecturing education worked at the center for enhancing learning at the University of Wolverhampton. My job was to help support academics to use technology to improve. And what actually happened was we just digitized more and more stuff to broadcast to students. And and I, you know, it’s still the dominant model of the use of educational technology.

There’s lots of really great other tools to do other things, but the dominant thing I is still about the as someone once said, the amplification of the dissemination of content. And yet, content’s everywhere. You don’t have to go very far to find the answer to a thing. And domain knowledge changes like really, really quickly.

Sally said, not if you’re a butcher, We know if you’re in law or or, you know, engineering, science, changes so so quickly. So what’s really important is the development of skills, capabilities, mindsets, aptitudes, where you are continually able to get new knowledge, work out what knowledge is valid right now, and what’s valid in different contexts, how to apply it. And yet we still often, but always tell students to learn a load of stuff ready for the multiple choice exam or the SA or whatever else it may be. Because I think, and it was that we didn’t just talk we didn’t talk about it long enough. Some of this stuff is really hard to assess.

I think it’s because it’s hard to assess. We don’t, you know, do it perhaps as well as we ought to. But that’s what we want to do. We want to change the way learning design experience is this. And it’s what we’ve seen all day today.

That is definitely the middle button.

It’s a setup.

That one. It’s a middle one. Yeah. It is a middle one.

My able assistant, Carol will now move us on.

So I think, you know, following up from that ambition, really, it’s about For me, I think. And for all of my I think I said this earlier on, you know, as well as been a soft wear vendor, an evil vendor, I’m an employer. I’ve got nearly a hundred people working for me now. A lot of relative, you know, early career folks as well.

And what I want them to do is have a questioning curious mindset. Well, why are we doing that? What could we always do that? But why did you always do that?

It’s ridiculous just a waste We don’t get anything from it. It’s just a time soak. So I want people to level questions at all the things we do, level questions are what they do, level questions, why are we using that bit of technology? Or why are we writing in that way?

Or why do we have the, you know You know, in a good way, But I think we’re trying to develop folks who can level questions at things. So I think part of our job is to inculcating learners a broad range of questions partly domain based questions, but also questions about how they learn and work with others.

And to help that, I mean, of course, we have This is wonderful to see this because I always promote templates and workbooks.

But it was fantastic to I can’t remember who said it now.


Someone said about the act of writing a portfolio really helped them when they went for an interview. And I think there is something course it with you, Gayle.

No. No. No. Thank you. But now there’s something really important. And and so that’s why come to another side of me, why would we leave this so right at the end of their a a time with us?

Because really, to tell really great stories, which is what it is in effect. You want to practice that, rehearse it, and try it time and again. Different stories for different audiences trying to convey different things. So we’ve got all that going on, but also I think and it’s mainly what we seen today, the use of templates and workbooks to scaffold.

And someone someone said this about It wasn’t quite these was making them work hard at it. Nothing wrong with making people work hard at, you know, thinking about their learning. That’s our job.

And I suppose it’s our job to make sure that our software doesn’t soak up so much energy. They can’t think hard. You know, our job of our software is to make it easy to think hard about their experiences and their learning.

Look, middle button.

Perhaps it’s like, it’s against English people.

I mean, stuff. Stuff stuff stuff. Lots of stuff going on. Quite an active platform. But the bit that’s interesting, I think, is, you know, now only about ten percent of our stuff is portfolio based.

Thirty three percent are assets. Sorry, of our learning responses, so the result of templates and workbooks that you’ve designed and shared with your students. And of course, a huge number are slight videos. In fact, lots of videos from PebblePocket.

And other files are uploaded as evidence of the things that students are doing too.

Any questions about any of that by the way? You probably know all of this stuff.

Go on, Carol, let you just do it.

And I were Does anyone remember, Pebblegogy the book?

Were you in it Christine?

Did you have a chapter?

You might have been. And and You you Keith bought a copy out of this. Although I was saying it was that copy was Christine’s.

She didn’t buy it then. She didn’t buy one, but we did make it freely available. We wrote a book in about two thousand ten called Pebblegogy. And then the kind of the the idea of of pebble Gog is an approach to learning and teaching kind of we stopped using it.

And then, as at our MiniBash in June, And an Australian learning designer called Aliya Steed. Anyone know Aliya Steed. Anyone know Jonathan Powell.

You’re the only group that doesn’t know Jonathan Powell or everyone I’ve spoken to. Anyway, she’s a Australian learning designer. She’s now working for Strathclyde University. She said, I’ve been using PebblePad two years doing these things, and it strikes me there’s a very special kind of pedagogy. And I’ve started calling it Pebblegogy. And it’s so funny kind of hearing this thing that we’d been through reflected back to us. But it is the, you know, this kind of stuff, I think.

It’s about learner and learning centeredness.

It’s about supporting students in planning and preparing for learning, not just experiencing learning, but thinking about it in advance because that gives them the best opportunity.

To make sense of it as it’s happening, and then to reflect and record on it, and make connections.

And and I think the other important bit that’s in here is about surfacing the process of learning. So for those you’re involved in like authentic assessment, so much of our assessment is do a bunch of stuff, which at the beginning, and then hand it in and we and it’s certainly And there’s a big black box. We don’t kinda see what goes on in that black box. And so we only see the work at the end.

I mean, oh, is that really their work? We better send it off to turn in the policeman and see what they have to say about it. But actually, if we saw that work evolving over time, which we see in the workbooks that you shared today, you can see whether the students are doing the legwork. And in fact, they get things wrong, it doesn’t matter because sometimes it’s really valuable learning in getting it wrong.

Anyhoo. Sorry. I could go on and on and on and on. Oh, for for those of you who struggle sometimes to explain how PebblePad works, because Again, it’s come up today.

I think you said Sarah. We didn’t see it as a portfolio start. We just saw it as an interesting space to do stuff.

Is this to is this to speed me up?

So most most portfolios kind of do these bits, don’t they allow you to stick stuff in it that’s useful and then to share and showcase it. But again, so much of what we saw today was those two circles at the top. I mean, there used to be circles and our new designers decided to make them look like the Pebel pad logo. It’s about planning and preparing for learning.

Recording and reflecting on it. The sense making stuff. And, of course, in an institutional context, you wanna be able to create those designs, distribute them, see work evolve over time, give feedback, get ports, make them available to multiple other stakeholders like workplace supervisors and all of that sort of stuff. We’ve got pebble pocket.

But, of course, as PebblePads used more and more at scale, this integration with other platforms is really important as well. So we heard earlier on from the product team about LTE one point three.

Matt, I’m not sure in your stuff. Maybe girl stuff. Well, there’s actually a means of If you’ve got a a an app, an app different to PebblePad, where students can record their skills and experiences because it’s a particular program. We’ve actually got an API which allows you to take those experiences and stick them straight into the student’s portfolio, and they can then reflect on them.

We’ve got an Atlas API that actually get data out of Atlas and lets you set up Atlas courses and add people to them and resources without whatever we felt, I’ve got to be careful. When I say we have, we’ve got an Atlas API that allows you to set up courses, put people in, give them resources, without going through the LMS, it’s only in use with two customers at the moment.

So like an early stage, but that’s gonna be coming very soon. So probably by the time you start your new academic year, it’ll be out. We’ll keep iterating.

And for those at he’s gone. Was it who do I see here on Alan?

In the in the future later, start doing things like auto pause, auto archive, and all of those kind of admin things which can become a bit of a pain in the bum.


Moving on, Matt, again, your diagram was much better than mine, the graphic about the journey.

So this this is really just to say, Of course, when we when people started using portfolios or talking about portfolios, and I read one of Sally’s papers, and it it still talked about really, evidencing stuff. So in this end of the journey, you could talk kinda confidently about what you were doing and had evidence to prove it, But the very best uses of Pebblepad, I think. It’s so so nice, Lori to hear you talking about this now being embedded in first year and going all the way through.

Is right from the beginning of the journey, thinking about your learning.

Not for, you know, making one great big portfolio that tells everything about you, but actually little portfolios for little reasons all the way along, which gives you the opportunity to to start building that repertoire of questions, to start thinking in a particular way, to start being analytical, and purposeful about your learning. So actually, when you get to this end, it’s all just second nature. It’s super easy for you to do.

Maybe in the next slide. Oh, yeah. So the problem, can we go back a slide? The problem with this, it all seems very sort of linear. So we started looking at what’s going on across our customers.

And in good implementations And I’m sure this applies to some of you. And what you really want to happen is that PebblePad isn’t just like a curriculum based thing. And in fact, I would say that at the moment of the UK, one of the biggest drivers is around this central swim lane around belonging and well-being.

So pre arrival workbooks say, we’re thrilled that you’re I mean, they don’t necessarily use this language, but we’re thrilled that you’re gonna come and join us. And here are some activities you could start to do. Now, these These are different to like enrollment admin systems.

These are much more start to think about yourself as a student of higher education.

And someone’s called it the Big Hug, one of our universities, getting your arms early around your your students. I was chatting to a student recently who’d got a place at a great university, great reputation, and was having second thoughts about going, and it wasn’t that he didn’t wanna have a degree and all that. It’s just nervousness, nervousness about le leaving home and going, and this unknown experience. So there’s something really powerful about those pre arrival workbooks.

And then the welcome week workbooks, you know orientations like, you maybe you don’t, you know, students get dragged around. Department department department department. Here’s how the library works. Here’s how the LMS works.

Here’s how to search for stuff. Here’s how to sort out your welfare and your finance and So giving students a workbook helps them make sense of that.

And this is a big thing for us in the UK. You know, there’s an an awful lot of stake when students joining university, they get one shot at it really. They if they fail on their first degree, drop out they don’t get funded for a a second opt Not that they get much funding now anyway, frankly.

So academic teaching, but that was evident in some of the stuff you were doing. Regular check ins to see how students are kinda progressing.

I think was that in No.

Someone definitely talked about that today.

I’ll have to go back to my notes, but it took me too long. But the idea here is If you sort of took a time slice through any particular year, what you’d see is a student touching upon PebblePad for lots of lots of different reasons at any one point in fine.

And that’s not to just kinda force home that, you know, they should get the the license value out of Pewell pad. It’s because when they’re going into PebblePad, hopefully they’re going in, doing the things that you’ve shown today.

Thinking about their learning, thinking about the skills they’re developing.

Taking evidence of those experience and mapping it to get against different frameworks, recording how they’re gonna work through our project how they participated as a student and how how the other group members did and reflecting on that great examples today of self assessment.

BBC peer assessment, I’m not sure. But that thing of that, as I mentioned earlier on that self advocacy around Sorry, not self I guess, self agency saying this is the kind of feedback, which will be really valuable to me right now. So I’d I did take this and I shared it with one of our customers I’ve started working with. And say, what does this look like for you? And they sent me this back.

So, this is some Leeds University. And it’s just really nice stuff going on like access to leads.

Students who might not ordinarily get offered a place at this quite prestigious university, pre engage with the university, d, they record their experiences in a workbook and they get additional academic tariff, which tops up on their existing tariff points, and they get an offer at Leeds. And Leeds make the commitment then. If we offer you a place, you will be long and you will be successful. It’s on us. To make sure you’re successful.

And then at the other end, this alumni mentoring thing, so recent graduates working very closely with final year students on what it’s like, what it’s actually like in industry and the sort of things they should be thinking about.

Oh, flip.

What’s the next slide look like? This is the bit where we’d start going through and sharing what I think is great practice.

I’m gonna just do one nicely. This this is brilliant, but I can’t tell you about it.

One more.

This Again, I think there’s something about simple. Simple, but powerful. Now, sometimes you can’t be simple. There are some midwifering workbooks which capture things that are tagged and automatically put them into activity logs and addables or of things.

But this is really And as I said, I could swap out any of these and put your work in today, because this just echo stuff I’ve seen today. But for me, it’s just good learning design. It’s You’re about to go on placement, prove you’ve got the stuff you need to go on there. And we see this kind of health and safety thing going on in like even lab experiments.

You know, before you do your lab experiment, you go to fulfill a number of criteria.

Page two says, what do you wanna get out of this? What are your goals? What does success look? Because this thing with screen grabs is, there’s loads of other questions we can’t see. What are your goals? What the success look like? How will you measure success?

And then I talked about that diacrony thing every week. What’s been happening? What have you been working on? What did you learn from that thing you’ve been working on? And then finally, the final page of the first workbook End of year End of placement summary.

You have inspired insights and your magnificent failures. I think language is really valuable, as well, isn’t it? Magificent failures. What happened that was unexpected, but which you’ve learned from anyway, That’s not super sophisticated use of the tools in Pebblepad. It’s just really good learning design and it surfaces the process of the learning for the for the supervisor, the student, and anyone else involved.

So that’s it, really.

Maybe if I had another, yeah, there’s other stuff, but we’ll stop.

Oh, look, it’s USC. Flip classroom stuff.

And I miss I go around the world talking about this genuinely, and I say, I spoke to a student And she said that the workbook is like the Queen Street Mall of her learning. But you’re the only people who know what the Queen Street Mall is, and I miss a chance to say it. But she did What she said was she feels like empowered of over over her own learning.

She said like Sorry. I I said this to Sarah and Angela at lunchtime.

And she was a single mom, four kids, retraining as an OT. And she can put the kids to bed, she’s got like twenty minutes, half an hour. She can just go and watch one of these little embedded videos or do one of these little activities.

One more click, Carol. Because it’s a really important click this one.

And she can tick off the thing that was really important, you know, that outcome I’ve now dealt with. And like it’s like a weight kind of been lifted. So you can go to bed, get up early in the morning and do another little activity. And as you said, Sarah, by the time they come back to class for the practical stuff, Most of them have done it because they could manage all these little bits, and so I think as you said you had improved attendance at those sessions, better outcomes, blah blah blah.

So just using PebblePad, but actually it’s the learning design, the thought that you put into it, which gives it all of its superpowers. So thank you for what you do.

That is it.

That’s it.




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