
PebblePad customers shine in The Guardian University Guide 2024 rankings

Thursday 14th September 2023

Telford, September 14, 2023 —PebblePad customers have taken centre stage in The Guardian University Guide 2024, with an impressive 50% of the top 40 institutions choosing the Learning Journey Platform. 


The annual Guardian University Guide ranks UK universities based on a variety of criteria, including student satisfaction and employability outcomes, factors which align seamlessly with PebblePad’s mission to empower students to take control of their educational journey.


Among the top-performing universities that have chosen PebblePad are the University of Strathclyde, Durham University, the University of Bath and the University of Edinburgh. These institutions, ranking prominently among the Guardian’s top 20 institutions, exemplify PebblePad’s ability to deliver impactful learning experiences at scale. 


PebblePad equips students with the tools to confidently showcase essential skills such as critical thinking, digital literacy and subject knowledge. The platform fosters continuous learning, facilitates timely feedback, and promotes strong relationships between peers and instructors, all while prioritising vital employability skills demanded by today’s job market.


Kenny Nicholl, Chief Operating Officer at PebblePad, said, “We are excited to see our partners leveraging our solution to empower their students and unlock their full potential, and to be a small part of the success they’re celebrating today. Congratulations to all of our customers featured in this prestigious ranking.”


For more information about PebblePad and its impact on higher education, please visit


About PebblePad

PebblePad is a leading online Learning Journey Platform dedicated to helping educators deliver student-centred learning experiences and cultivate future-ready graduates. Beyond its role as a powerful eportfolio platform, PebblePad offers sophisticated tools to support a diverse range of teaching and learning processes. It addresses gaps in integrative and experiential learning & assessment that traditional Learning Management Systems and eportfolios cannot bridge. PebblePad’s unique set of feedback and assessment capabilities further enriches its feature set. The platform is successfully transforming the learning landscape at universities worldwide, including more than 30 of the top-ranked global universities.


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